We have an extensive fleet of fully equipped service vehicles on call, ensuring our clients’ businesses and residences experience minimal power outages in the event of an emergency. Our customers can rest assured that their generators are maintained for optimum performance and maximum life cycle.
Delivering professional assistance and support, whenever and wherever needed, is a major part of Afrimed Nigeria Ltd commitment in providing an unrivalled level of product support coverage. The fully equipped team of trained Engineers and Technicians are highly experienced in providing on site repairs and servicing. All Afrimed Nigeria Ltd engineers undergo regular product training in conjunction with the Company’s key suppliers and major brand manufacturers, ensuring that they are fully conversant with the latest products and equipment.
Our After Sales Service includes but is not limited to:
Installation & Commissioning
Our project team will work closely with you, from start to finish, ensuring your generating set is installed and commissioned safely and successfully, on time and with minimal disruption to your business operation.
They work in accordance with factory-issued commissioning procedures and written method statements and provide full commissioning certification for warranty validation.
Repair & Overhauling
The inspection / diagnosis and check lists specifically prepared for Afrimed Nigeria Ltd generating sets, which are worked on during every maintenance employment, covers the scope of work absolutely necessary for the most optimal maintenance of your machine.
Our workshop servicing and operations facilities includes:
* Complete Engine Overhauling
* Fuel Injection repairs and replacements
* Electrical repairs and replacements
* Engine Maintenance
* Strip Clean
* Modification and Repairs
* Paint and Finishing
* Electric Shop and others
Afrimed Nigeria Ltd offers product warranty under its standard product maintenance services / manufacturer’s terms and conditions while a product is being actively marketed, and for a specified period of time after a product has reached end of availability. Please refer to Afrimed Nigeria Ltd Warranty Statements or to the sales conditions for more details, as it may vary for different locations.
Contact us to get detailed information on our After Sales Services and Warranty Terms & Conditions. One of our well-skilled service technicians will certainly be prepared to answer your questions.